Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Activities with the Family

School is out and the kids are enjoying sleeping in and lazy days.  I am getting ready for the statement, "I'm bored".  As my kids get older it is harder to keep them busy in the summer months.  They have sports camps, but fewer than when they were younger.  This is a time for exploring.  They can work odd jobs and see what they like; yard work, painting, selling lemonade...  We can fish and hike and swim and kayak and maybe they will become interested in nature or preservation or photography.  We can go see outdoor theater and concerts and they may want to get on stage or just find a new interest in the arts.  Summer presents a time to discover.  I am going to sit down and plan some trips to the science museum, the beach, the mountains and allow for some down time.  What do you do with your family in the summer?  What are your greatest summer memories?